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Adi Prakash

Adi Prakash brings over two decades of distinguished leadership across global functions in

financial services, private equity/venture capital, technology, and startups. With extensive

CXO experience in major banks, alternative asset management firms, and successful

startups, Adi’s career highlights include founding and spearheading Strategy Services at

Amazon/AWS. This specialized consulting unit was built from the ground-up to craft and

execute on board-level growth strategies for a diverse client base, ranging from startups to

Fortune 50 enterprises, across various sectors including tech, auto, healthcare, defense, retail, manufacturing, and financial services.

Deeply immersed in the startup ecosystem, Adi co-founded and successfully exited a

machine learning startup focused on automating operations and legal use cases. His

ongoing commitment to the startup community includes board and advisory roles at

ventures like, Spring Labs, ZSchool, ParentFile, and SpeakerMatch.

Passionate about mentorship, Adi actively shares insights and expertise, and is a leading

investor in various series rounds and angel networks across the Americas and Asia.

Adi holds executive certifications from MIT and Harvard, and a master’s degree in

computer science from Pace University. He is an active member of Mensa and the Forbes

Business Council, where he regularly contributes thought leadership through articles in

leading publications.