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President, DOC Cares
CEO and Founder, Gannett.Partners

Chris Gannett believes Business is the leverage point for global change and founded Gannett.Partners to open doors to sustainable progress and superior returns. Chris is also President of DOC Cares Inc., Tracy “The D.O.C.” Curry’s not-for-profit organization that uses social innovations, storytelling, and convenings to create opportunities and develop innovative solutions to spur change in education, under-championed communities, gun violence, and financial equity.

An operator, investor and board member first, Chris has been helping businesses, brands and sports & entertainment talent transform and grow for over 30 years. Recognized as a CMO of Sony divisions and portfolios (Sony’s Commercial Music Group, “American Idol” and “So You Think You Can Dance” global platforms within Sony Pictures Television), Muhammad Ali Enterprises, Elvis Presley Enterprises, and the Creator / Writer / Executive Producer of Microsoft’s “ChangeMakers” series, his work has contributed to 5 Emmys, 4 exits, 3 Guinness World Records, 3 turnarounds, 2 Magic Quadrant Leaders and Sony’s CEO Award for Global Entrepreneurial Achievement.

Chris earned a BS from The University of Kansas, MBA from Washington University in St. Louis, and graduated from the Berkeley Executive Coaching Institute at Haas School of Business. He is a Fellow of the McLean Institute of Coaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School and is a frequent academic visitor at Columbia University, London Business School, Washington University in St. Louis and SMU in Dallas, Texas.”